Work Week

Work Week wear that demands versatility & flair. No need to get lost in the drab Monday to Friday work attire.




Creative Direction: Andres Tascon

Stylist: Lisa Slusher- On Set Management

Photography: Andrew Klein

Production: Willy Adams-Independent Artists

Hair & Make-up: Susy Jasper-Seaminx

Copy: Kerri McCluskey

Models: Cali Stewart, Luke Crawford, Brandon Davidson w/ Kim Dawson

Paizley w/ Wallflower Management

American Way

What is the “American Way”? Is it a white-picket fence off main street? Is it a shiny, new car? Is it a bird? A plane? No. Well, as for the plane… it’s a magazine held on airplanes. This is no sky mall; this is in every sense, a magazine. American Way features columns ranging from food and fashion to politics and reviews. Because American Way chose Stylist Lisa Slusher and Photographer Scott Slusher for the shoot featured below, they are certainly hip to chic in my book.

Styled: Lisa Slusher; H&MU: Susie Jasper; Photographed: Scott Slusher; Model; Ula

We’ll show you how it’s done- the American Way.

Behind the Scenes: PaperCity

Sneak Peak:

A collaborative effort, Lisa Slusher styled the on-figure and props for PaperCity’s newest addition. Katie MacCracken assisted Lisa, and Mona Hart contributed her talents as the product stylist. 

Paper City October 2012 from Stephen Dux Photography on Vimeo.

Lisa, Katie, and Mona had the opportunity to work with photographer Stephen Dux, Art Director Amy Adams, Makeup Artist Rick Florez, and gorgeous model Anthony Stravlo.

Stay up-to-date to catch more of the best shots and inside scoop about the new issue- now available on newsstands!